Manage Your Lease

Manage Your Lease

Managing the Conclusion of Your Lease: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to the end of your lease agreement, there are several vital factors to consider. Regardless of the circumstances that lead to its termination, it's crucial to prepare in advance and weigh your options before vacating the property. Here's what you need to know:

For comprehensive legal assistance related to commercial property leases, whether it's review, mediation, or drafting new agreements, trust Contract Checking LLP. We offer fixed-fee solutions for landlords and tenants of all business property sizes. Contact us for expert guidance."

  1. Rent Deposit Refund - If you've paid a rent deposit (RDD) to your landlord, you should receive a refund when the lease term ends. Check the deposit's terms for details on the timeline and any allowable deductions.
  2. Meeting Lease Obligations - Your lease likely outlines the condition in which you must return the property to the landlord. Even if the property was in disrepair at the start of your lease, you're responsible for meeting the lease's condition requirements. This is especially important when it comes to repair obligations, decorating, reinstatement, and yielding up provisions. You may need to perform necessary property maintenance or improvements before moving out.
  3. Handling Alterations - You may have responsibilities related to the reinstatement of alterations made during your lease. Review your lease language to determine if reinstatement is required. Leases typically fall into one of two categories:
    • Mandate reinstating alterations unless the landlord provides alternative instructions.
    • Do not require reinstatement unless the landlord explicitly requests it.
  4. Vacating the Property - You must vacate the premises and ensure all your belongings are removed. Check your lease for provisions concerning forgotten items' return or the landlord's authority to sell abandoned belongings. Be mindful of any deadlines for disposing of uncollected items. Also, return the keys and provide necessary meter readings.
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